Data Structures

The following documentation discusses the flow, handling and storage of data used by the various Munin components. This includes partially internal processing details, in order to provide a good understanding of data structures within Munin for interested developers.

Munin Node

The Munin Node parses its configuration once during startup.

Node Configuration

The Node configuration specifies the details of the node service, which is responding to requests from the Munin Master.

The Node configuration is read from plain text files (e.g. /etc/munin/munin-node.conf). Its content is stored in a simple perl object (usually called $config). All settings are available as object attributes (e.g. $config->{default_plugin_user}).

Configuration settings with different names (for compatibility over multiple Munin releases) are normalized while parsing (see Munin::Node::Config::_parse_line). One example for normalization is hostname and host_name - both are normalized to fqdn.

Plugin Configuration

During the startup of the Munin Node server, the list of plugins (e.g. below /etc/munin/plugins) is collected once. Additionally the plugin configuration files (e.g. below /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d) are parsed. Afterwards all configuration settings (including wildcard configurations) for all locally enabled plugins are stored in the hash $config->{sconf}.

Configuration settings for a specific plugin are accessible as a hash ($config->{sconf}{$plugin_name}).

Munin Master

Periodic operations of the Munin Master are executed by munin-cron (via munin-update and munin-limits). Web resources (html and graphs) are generated by munin-html and munin-graph. Delivery happens either directly (via CGI) or indirectly via munin-httpd.

Master Configuration

The Master configuration specifies the details of the update operation (collecting data from nodes), outbound connection details, resource locations, logging and process management.

The Master configuration is read from plain text files (e.g. /etc/munin/munin.conf) by munin-update via Munin::Master::Update->run(). Its content is stored in the database storage in table param (see _db_params_update).

All other processes query the database, whenever they need a configuration setting.

Service Configurations

The config of every plugin is requested periodically via Munin’s network protocol. The resulting information describe the service, as well as its datasets.

Database Storage

The database is used for exchanging information between different parts of munin. By default the database is an sqlite3 file stored as /var/lib/munin/datafile.sqlite.

Table “param”

The param table is used for storing Munin Master config parameters. It is populated during every initialization of munin-update (Munin::Master::Update::_db_params_update).

Field Value
name name of the configuration setting (e.g. logdir)
value configured value of the configuration setting

Every configuration setting is stored in the database. The default value is stored in case of a missing explicit setting.

Table “grp”

The grp table contains all group/member relationships. Nodes and groups can be members of groups. Thus hierarchical relationships with multiple levels are supported.

Field Value
id unique ID
p_id ID of parent group (special group 0: this group has no parent)
name name of the group
path not used anymore

Table “node”

The node table stores the identity of a Munin Node.

Field Value
id unique ID
grp_id ID of the group (or 0 if the node is not part of a group)
name name of the node
path not used anymore

Table “node_attr”

The node_attr table contains all attributes related to a Munin None.

Field Value
id ID of the related node
name name of the attribute (e.g. use_node_name)
value string representation of the value (e.g. 1)

Table “service”

The service table stores the identity of the service datastructure.

Field Value
id unique ID
node_id ID of the node this service belongs to
name unique name of the service within the node
service_title human readable name of the service
graph_info human readable description of the service (see graph_info)
subgraphs number of related graphs produced by this service
path not used anymore

Table “service_attr”

The service_attr table contains all attributes related to a service.

Field Value
id ID of the related service
name name of the attribute (e.g. graph_vlabel)
value string representation of the value (e.g. Bytes)

Table “service_categories”

Multiple category names can be assigned to a service.

Field Value
id ID of the related service
category category name assigned to the service

Table “ds”

Every dataset is described by Field-level attributes (see Nomenclature). The collected values for a dataset are stored in an RRD file.

Field Value
id unique ID
service_id ID of the service to which this dataset belongs
name unique name of the dataset within the service
type field type (e.g. DERIVE)
ordr datasets of a service are sorted according to their respective ordr attribute
unknown TODO
warning description of the warning range (TODO: format?)
critical description of the critical range (TODO: format?)
path not used anymore

Table “ds_attr”

The ds_attr table contains all attributes related to a dataset.

Field Value
id ID of the related ds
name name of the attribute (e.g. draw)
value string representation of the value (e.g. AREASTACK)

Table “url”

The url table is used for caching the URL path of entities (groups, nodes or services). The path is calculated, when the entity is created.

Field Value
id ID of the related entity
type text specifying the type of the related entity (one of: group, node and service)
path URL path to be used when accessing the service graphs (e.g. group1/group2/host/plugin/graphFoo/subGraphBar)

Table “state”

The state table is used for storing the current state of datasets. These values can be used for determining alert conditions.

Field Value
id ID of the related entity
type type of the related entity (currently only used as ds)
previously_epoch timestamp of the second to last retrieved value
previously_value second to last retrieved value
last_epoch timestamp of the most recently retrieved value
last_value most recently retrieved value
alarm current state of the related entity (one of: unknown, critical, warning, “” (empty))
num_unknowns count of recent successively received unknown values (used for delayed “unknown” detection via <unknown_limit)